What a session this was with the stunning and lovely E. Getting up and out before dawn is never easy and always worth it. And while the Lincoln Memorial is still a construction site, the reflecting pool and Washington Monument are beckoning us to provide an iconic DC backdrop, followed by other photogenic spots along […]
Throwback to this colorful spring Senior Session with the beautiful R. on a day when there is a snowstorm forecast in Northern Virginia. I met her back in 2016 when her parents hired me for the first of many family sessions, and I’m pretty sure that I was taller than her back then. 😎 It […]
To think that we nearly rescheduled. We were on the fence about going forward because of uncertain weather, and, boy, am I glad we moved ahead: a virtually empty garden after the rain and even, cloud covered light all around allowed us to freely move about for some beautiful Senior portraits of this stunning McLean […]
Oh what a chilly morning this was at the Jefferson on this early April session! Kudos to this intrepid Georgetown Graduate Grad for sticking it out so we could get iconic DC images as well as the last of the elusive pink blooms on the GU campus. Congrats all around! 🎓🌸
Old Town Alexandria is such a whimsical place for a photo session and one of my favorites in the DC area. Check out this Senior Session with the beautiful K. – within a few short blocks we were offered a rich variety of textures and colors, from white, red and aqua colored walls, to deep […]
This epic Tidal Basin session was the result of lots of meticulous planning, from scanning the ever changing cherry blossom forecast, obtaining NPS photo permits (a tediously bureaucratic process stuck in the 20th century – but that’s a whole other story), hotel reservations, very early alarms, sunrise hair and make-up artists, & supportive husbands playing […]
While everyone flocked to the Tidal Basin during the early cherry bloom, this beautiful Madison HS Senior and I caught the last of the magnificent magnolias at the Enid Haupt Garden before heading up to Capitol Hill. No crowds, just an abundance of daffodils. Here’s a selection of my favorites from her large gallery. Congratulations […]
Check out this absolutely gorgeous High School Senior Session at Great Falls Park. During a busy – and highly successful – volleyball season for Langley High School, R. and I fit in her Senior Session at Great Falls Park on an exceptionally beautiful fall day. Looking at the images it’s hard to believe that there […]
Posing in front of a camera can be a very awkward experience that most of us aren’t used to. (And yes, there is a reason why I prefer to be behind the lens 😉). This very lovely HS Senior wasn’t entirely comfortable in front of the camera at first but we quickly connected, and with […]
The gorgeous Hannah managed her session like a pro: undeterred by a massive protest that gathered in front of the Supreme Court while we were shooting next door and fitting in not two, not three, but FOUR outfits. We seamlessly went from vivid pink to baby blue to a playful black and finished off with […]