What a session this was with the stunning and lovely E. Getting up and out before dawn is never easy and always worth it. And while the Lincoln Memorial is still a construction site, the reflecting pool and Washington Monument are beckoning us to provide an iconic DC backdrop, followed by other photogenic spots along […]
Throwback to this colorful spring Senior Session with the beautiful R. on a day when there is a snowstorm forecast in Northern Virginia. I met her back in 2016 when her parents hired me for the first of many family sessions, and I’m pretty sure that I was taller than her back then. 😎 It […]
To think that we nearly rescheduled. We were on the fence about going forward because of uncertain weather, and, boy, am I glad we moved ahead: a virtually empty garden after the rain and even, cloud covered light all around allowed us to freely move about for some beautiful Senior portraits of this stunning McLean […]
Old Town Alexandria has it all: Marina vibes, Old World charm, and Americana. After his older brother’s Senior session here a couple of years ago, Walker decided on this popular spot as well and cheerfully met with me at the crack of dawn on a very sunny spring morning. Here are some favorites of his […]
Oh what a chilly morning this was at the Jefferson on this early April session! Kudos to this intrepid Georgetown Graduate Grad for sticking it out so we could get iconic DC images as well as the last of the elusive pink blooms on the GU campus. Congrats all around! 🎓🌸